Start or advance your lash journey with us

Beginner friendly


An 8 hour class divided into 2 days to ensure the grasp of knowledge. Including a full beginners manual along with a full kit to get you to lash your first 100 clients making your money back and some profit.

Certification included

Get me started


An 8 hour class divided into 2 days as well to grasp the best of knowledge. Including a full kit and manual to lash your first 100 clients.

Certification included

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Might as well

Combo class

This full master class will cover beginner to advance knowledge in classic , hybrid and volume. Dividing it into 4 hour classes in 4 days to ensure best grasp of knowledge. Including a full kit and manual along with a certification of completion.

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Further your knowledge

Textured sets

A 2 day course going over mapping and layering to understand how to customize a set better with texture. Hop on this money trend. Manual and small kit included. Must be a certified lash tech with basic knowledge to take this course.

Certification included

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Need some extra help?


Are you struggling with a particular topic on lashing? Let's go over any struggles to get you back on track with a small course of one day covering everything in 2-3 hours depending on your situation. Here to help !

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